


Teachers make learning technology fun and interesting. Our first graders have developed and presented informative Power Point Slideshows! Middle School Students have created colorful brochures with pictures, graphs and data that would amaze you!
Every classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard to enhance instruction and student participation. Students in Kindergarten through eighth grade also have formal technology instruction in our computer lab, classroom computers, and access to the on-line computer resource station in the school library. We are also proud to be a Google Education school and have supplied Chromebooks to all classrooms to meet the needs for learning in the digital age.  Students in grades 3-8 are also supplied with a Google Drive that allows them to create, share, and collaborate with their classmates in real time from any computer with internet access.

Middle School students have an opportunity to participate in several choice classes that center around the use of technology, such as Robotics, Yearbook, and Eagle News Network.  Our school also participates in the Hour of Code initiative started by to teach elementary and middle school students the power of coding to help fill the 1 million computing jobs that go unfilled every year.  Students will recieve programming lessons in grades 3-8 with intesifying instruction in middle school.  Click here to see why students need to learn coding more than ever before.

Parents benefit from the use of technology as well. Each parent and student has an account for RenWeb that enables them to keep up to date with their grades and coursework. Through RenWeb’s Parent Portal, parents can monitor their child’s grades and progress in all subjects, check homework assignments, and view comments from teachers.